How are Bitcoin Futures going to Change the Dynamics of The Crypto Space.

Joseph Holbrook
5 min readDec 9, 2021

It is an unavoidable fact that two main investment areas might meet up in the future. Cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investor parties are searching for ETFs that help them grow their popularity. For such ETF, Bitcoin is a well-suited opportunity for this chance.

The Bitcoin futures ETF is an exchange-traded fund that provides investment knowledge and exposure to people about the Bitcoin prices without the need to go and buy cryptocurrency directly. Investors are allowed to sell and purchase ETF shares similar to stocks.

ETF shares can be bought and sold at any time in the crypto market.

This article will teach us the dynamic changes in the crypto space with the assistance of Bitcoin futures ETF.

What are Bitcoin Futures?

In Bitcoin futures, two parties sign a contractual agreement to buy or sell Bitcoin at an already defined price and date that would be transacted on a commodities exchange. We use the term of derivative while explaining any contract that traces fundamental asset prices.

In short, the buyers or sellers agree to buy or sell the Bitcoin at a specific date without caring about the variable changes in the price of Bitcoin that might occur.



Joseph Holbrook

Blockchain and Cloud Evangelist Blogger, Author and Conference Speaker. I speak, write & teach blockchain.